Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Billy Book Review - Finally.

So this is ridiculous. I'm so embarrassed and red in the face.

Way back a long time ago - right before I found out I was having baby #2 - I signed up to be a book review blogger for Thomas Nelson. They sent me my first book - I read it feverishly - found out I was pregnant - felt sick for about 3 months - did some major remodeling on our house - lost my mind - lost the book - forgot about reviewing it - found the book in our garage - and totally felt ridiculous .......and red in the face.

Now that Thomas Nelson's advertising has long been done for Billy - I'm finally writing a review on it. Oh, the shame.

Since I deal with doubt and wondering when it comes to my faith  - I thought Billy would be a good read for me. In many ways, it was. Told from a unique perspective, the book gives you a glimpse into what life was like for Billy Graham, and a few of his friends along the way. It speaks of a time different than ours. Tent revivals. Farms. Door to door salesmen. The book does a good job of telling us where Billy, and his evangelist-turned-atheist friend Charles, come from. And I, for one, enjoyed this glimpse into times' past. 

It's a story about friendship, life, and how the two intermingle. It's about callings, faith, and seeking truth. It's a love story....between Graham and Ruth ( Billy's wife) - but more importantly it's a love story between Graham and God.

While the book has certainly made we want to learn more about Billy Graham and his life - it left me wanting a bit more. (Maybe I should pick up an autobiography on him or something.) However, the book has certainly peaked my interest, challenged my methods of securing a sound faith, and encouraged me to seek Truth. From what I understand, there is also a movie that tells the same story. I think I might have liked the movie a bit more. Either way - it's interesting, enlightening - and will certainly pull you in.