Wednesday, September 7, 2011


A devotional I wrote for my church last week. Enjoy! Love and blessings and revelations to you all :)


A humble heart.

I truly believe that discipleship must start with a heart that exudes humbleness.

Think about it. Discipleship is the process of becoming more like Christ. It is the purposed journey of the believer. It is falling into cadence with the One we follow. It is falling in line, falling in character, and falling into…. His will.

Not ours. His.

And that takes humbleness. It begins with humbleness. Realizing our own need for Jesus and setting aside our own agenda and desires takes zeal, yes. It takes faith and passion and trust and resiliency, yes. But it also demands for us to yield to Him. Really, yield.

Because a Christ follower must move over. Die to self. And give way to The Way.

Once a person realizes this – and decides to soften to the gentle promptings of the Spirit – they find that instead of restriction or rule-keeping or religion – they experience contentment and peace and blessing. As a Christian steps up his or her game….decides to dive-in, build-up, and flow-out….our whole beings grow closer to the heart of Jesus. Our lives become ones of impact and influence and purpose….in our homes, work-places, relationships, community service endeavors, our speech, our thoughts, and so on.

Here’s a practical example: I’m from Texas and they have a lot of ‘service roads’ down there that run along highways. To get on or off of the freeway, one has to take a sharp exit ramp while yielding to fast-approaching, on-coming traffic. It can be tense to say the least. If a person decides not to yield…if a driver decides to demand his own way and will of the road – a collision will ensue – guaranteed.

The same is true on our journey with Jesus. If we decide that our way is best, that reverence for Scripture and Christian principles aren’t necessary for us, that we don’t need a Savior or saving, that what we desire is worth more to us than what He desires….we’re on course for a collision. A haughty heart can’t align with the humble heart of Jesus – making it impossible to become a disciple….a follower of His teachings and ways. And this leads to destruction – every time.

His way is always better. No matter how comfortable or fun or easy the lane you’re choosing to drive in may feel – what He has is better. As we embark on this adventure of discipleship – let’s begin with a humbleness of heart. God honors that. Always.

Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall.- Proverbs 16:18