Monday, March 29, 2010

I'm Back

Hello friends.

Please forgive me for being such a ridiculous blogger. Is it fair to even call me a blogger anymore? I haven't posted something in ages. I'm aggravated at my own self. And I'm in awe of all the lovely ladies out there who manage to post the most profound and inspiring messages - just about every week or even everyday- on their own blogs. You guys are incredible.

We just spent a week down south visiting family. It was a much needed visit - for me, anyway. Because I live 1200 miles from my closest of kin - I tend to feel a bit stranded at times. What makes it even harder - is that I have one of those families that you actually want to spend time with. The kind that will make you laugh till you cry. The kind that will pray their hearts out for you. The kind that gets on your nerves but it is safe to tell them so. The kind that makes you feel - wanted and needed and loved. They are Texans, after all.

I got to do the normal stuff - like eat barbecue, ride around my old stomping grounds, sleep in, go to a baseball game, cook, eat Whataburgers, and devour bowls of Blue Bell ice cream every night. I also went through dozens of keepsake boxes. I found a yearbook, pictures of old friends, letters from boys, tapes of me running track, old dance costumes, my big Texas hair bows, prom dresses, cards, notebooks, and  more recent things - like wedding stuff and college textbooks. I enjoyed every minute of it. To top it all off - I got to do yoga with my aunts and uncles. It was both hilarious and wonderful. I'm hooked on it now.

I didn't want to leave. I never really do - but this time I just felt like I needed a few more doses of family. (And a few more plates of barbecue.) But here I am - back up north - getting into the swing of things here. And I'm thankful. While I don't much like the cloudiness, the cold, the absence of good Tex-Mex food, and the distance - I do love the changing of the seasons, the sweet friends we have here - both old and new, and our church - not to mention...our health, our house, and the little bit of family we have here.

So until this summer - when we go down to enjoy the 100 degree weather - I will be grateful....and I will daydream about sinking my teeth into an El Fenix enchilada.

Have a great week :)