Monday, September 29, 2008

Good Quotes and Scripture

I just want to share a few quotes with you from my new Bible study on Overcoming Fear:

" I once read that fear is a darkroom where negatives are developed. Don't let yourself live in that room! Move into the light and allow the overcoming truth of God's Word to give you the faith you need to enjoy a life of freedom." p. vi

"A healthy dose of fear keeps us safe, but unhealthy fear is paralyzing." p.vii

"The truth is that there is no fear from which God cannot set you free!" p.13

And some scripture:

2 Timothy 1:7: For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline.

Isaiah 54:4
Isaiah 43:2
John 14:27

And as always please feel free to add your own! I will continue sharing wisdom from my study as I attempt to go from fearful to faith-filled. Which of course, will be a a continuing journey long after I complete this little Bible study if mine.

But this is a start.