Wednesday, October 1, 2008

The Library Leaf

My handsome little buddy and I went to the local library this morning for story time.

I enjoyed it just as much as he did.

We sat on the floor with our legs crossed, Indian style. Our very librarian-like story teller taught us about fall, leaves, and the changing of seasons. Such fun.

After story time, the kids got to make leaves of their own. (I wanted to make one sooo bad - but I restrained myself.) We sat down at a little table to get crafty. I gave my son a pair of kid scissors and all of the materials he needed to make a leaf. I sat back and watched him go. I fought back the urge to dive in and help him cut, glue, and past - so that the creation was totally his. Sure, I had to guide him a bit - he is only 2 - but he got to be the artist.

What did we end up with?

A brownish orange, somewhat off center, kind of messy, sticky, and lopsided leaf...... Just the way we like'em!

Mr.Leaf is now a part of our family - hanging proudly on the frig :)

And ya know - Mr. Leaf is not the only one in this household who can be somewhat off center, kinda messy, sticky, and lopsided. This Mama can be too :)